R E Majid 1,2, F Faris1*, A Rifa’i1

1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

2PT Nindya Karya (Persero), Gedung Nindya, East Jakarta 13630, Indonesia

1*Corresponding author: [email protected]



Bunaken Island is a quaternary deposit of Holocene age. Dominating sand layers, shallow groundwater table, and near active fault locations make the area highly susceptible to liquefaction. This study aims to determine the minimum ground acceleration that can potentially trigger liquefaction in the area. In this study, earthquakes originating in the North Sulawesi Thrust were modelled with various magnitudes. PGA was calculated using the attenuation function from : Liu and Tsai (2005), Abrahamson et al. (2016), Atkinson and Boore (2003), and Zhao et al. (2006). Each earthquake parameter was analyzed for its liquefaction potential using the simplified procedure by Idriss and Boulanger (2008), and then the minimum earthquake parameter value that can cause liquefaction was determined. The analyses show that the study site has the potential for liquefaction if more than Mw 5.8 earthquake occurs with a PGA value of above 0.17g. The BKN-BH02 borehole is the most critical point of the four boreholes made at the study site.


Keywords: seismic, ground response, liquefaction



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T K Wibisono[1]*


1 University Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




The rapid development of the city tends to create new strategic value in the area so as to encourage changes / shifts in the function of the area and often sacrifice the existence of old buildings in the area. Most of these old buildings were changed/demolish without regard to the historical value and uniqueness of the building/area or genius loci to be converted into new buildings with new functions only because of the reason for the investment value of the new commercial function of the property. Without realizing it, this building change will change the value of the area that has been formed so that the sustainability aspect of the old area stops and loses direction. There are several technical factors of the old building, such as: lay-out / spatial planning, appearance and use of old building materials that do not keep up with the times are often the main causes of this demolition. This demolition problem can actually be reduced in intensity by using the old building revitalization method that applies the urban infill technique of new buildings on the old building site. By using this technique, the existence of the old building can still be maintained while synergizing with the infill building on the new/updated function. However, it is necessary to pay attention to several important factors that determine the application of this urban infill technique, which in this paper tries to reveal what technical factors play an important role through a case study of the application of urban infill in old Javanese traditional houses. The results obtained are several design directions that need to be considered in the application of urban infill building techniques.


Keywords: urban infill techniques, building concervation, java traditional house



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E O Nugroho[1]*, R Ramadhani2, P Lutfitiana3, M Cahyono1, S Lestari4, and YKumala5


1 Institute Teknologi Bandung

2 Sumatera River Basin VI, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jambi

3 Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Work

4 Directorate of Dams and Lakes, Directorate General of Water Resources

5 Research Center for Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing


[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Pekalongan City is a lowland area and located in the northern part of Java Island. Tidal flooding often occurred at high tide when the wave run-up entered the mainland and inundated several areas in the city of Pekalongan. The inundation area in Pekalongan City reached 618 Ha in 2020. Tidal flooding became a problem because it inundated vital areas such as residential areas, public spaces, and economic centers. The area that often experiences inundation is in the area of the Loji River and the Banger River estuarine, which is a unified system on the Pekalongan River. The inundation due to tidal flooding will be more severe if it coincided with the occurrence of high discharge in the river flow. To control floods and tidal floods in the city of Pekalongan, flood control engineering was needed so a floodway known as the Banger River was built. This approach aims to reduce the area of inundation and protect existing vital areas. This study aims to assess the impact of the Banger River  on reducing water level in the Loji River. The methodology used in this study is flood modeling with HEC-RAS 6.1 one dimensional model. The simulation results show that after the Banger river floodway was made, the water level in the Loji river 1.7 meters or 28% of the water level in the Loji River can be reduced.


Keywords: Banger River, Floodway, HEC-RAS



Arturo Leon, (2013). Tutorial on Using HECGeo RAS 10.1 with Arc GIS 10.1 and HEC-RAS 4.1.0 for Flood Inundation Mapping in Steady and Unsteady Flow Conditions, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University.

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A Suraji1, F Nugraheni1, and T N Sulistyantoro[1]*


1 Master Civil Engineering, University Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email:




The process of building a new Yogyakarta airport in Kulon Progo District or New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) continues to accelerate. The document on the analysis of environmental impacts (Amdal) is still in the process of preparation. Airport development, has implications for productive land grabbing, settlement evictions, lost probability at the site plan and at the location of supporting infrastructure. In fact, there was no study on tsunami risk reduction in the formulation of environmental impact (Amdal), so there is no guarantee of safety. On the analysis of the risk probability in the pavement runway project is divided into five probabilities of risk for three samples. In calculating risk, it is divided into three project acceleration assumptions, namely the assumption of a duration of 50% or 7 weeks, 40% or 6 weeks and 25% or 4 weeks from normal duration 14 weeks. Risk probability is obtained from the probability of the event and the probability of the impact. The highest loss is in 4 weeks duration (25% assumption) where has a total loss 308,638,309.40 rupiahs. The smallest loss is in normal duration 14 weeks where has a total loss 108,444,489.74 rupiahs. the relationship between probability and project acceleration is found. Where, there is an increase in the probability of a duration of 4 weeks by 0.17459% and a decrease in the probability of a normal duration of 14 weeks by 0.0618%.


Keywords: risk impact, pavement runway, risk probability



Project Management Institute 2013 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK Guide

Fisk, E.R. (1997). Construction Project Administration. Prentice all, New Jersey, USA

Kangari, R. (1995). ”Risk Management Perceptions and Trends of U.S. ] Construction.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. ASCE. 121.

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  1. Munier, Risk Management for Engineering Projects. Spain: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014.
  2. S. Alizadeh and P.Moshashaei, “The Bowtie method in safety management system,” Sci. J. Rev., 2015.

Long and et al, “Delay and Cost Overruns in Vietnam Large Construction Project: A Comparison with Other Selected Countries Korean Society of Civil Engineering,” J. Civ. Eng., vol. 12, 2008.

Smith, R.G. & Bohn, C.M. (1999).”Small To Medium Contractor Contingency and Assumtion of Risk.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.ASCE. 125.

Kerzner, Harold, Ph.D. (1995). “Risk Management.” Project Management ; A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controling. Van Nostrand reinhold, USA.



M Kennyzyra[1]* and M A Hadi1


1 Department of Civil Engineering, University Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Application of signalling at junction can make the delay time longer. The delay time at the junction will be related to the amounZt of fuel consumption of vehicles. In this study, research will be conducted on delays with fuel consumption at the Degolan Junction. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of vehicle fuel consumption between the unsignalized junction and signalized junction. Junction performance analysis was carried out based on IHCM 1997. The fuel consumption analysis is carried out based on the length of the delay using the equation from LAPI-ITB. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out using linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the average fuel consumption at the Degolan Junction when the junction conditions were not signalled was 9.553 liters/junction. Meanwhile, when signalling is applied to the Degolan junction with details, alternative 1 produces an average fuel consumption of 40,144 liters/ junction, alternative 2 produces an average fuel consumption of 40,646 liters/ junction, and alternative 3 produces an average fuel consumption of 39,937 liters/junction. The results of the analysis show that the performance of the junction in the form of delay has an influence on fuel consumption.


Keywords: fuel consumption, intersection, delay time



Badan Pusat Statistik D.I.Yogyakarta 2022 Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Dalam   Angka. (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Badan Pusa Statistik Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta).

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Julianto E N 2007 Analisis Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Simpang Bangkong dan Simpang Milo Semarang Berdasarkan Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak Tesis (Semarang: Universitas Dipenogoro)

Khafidz L, Sumarsono A, and Amirotul MHM 2016 hubungan tundaan dan panjang antrian terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar minyak pada lajur pendekat simpang (Studi Kasus Pada Jalan Arteri Kota Surakarta) Jurnal Matriks Teknik Sipil. 774-780.

Fhadil M 2019 Analisis Simpang Bersinyal dan Hubungan Panjang Antrian dan Waktu Tundaan Terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak (Studi Kasus: Simpang Bersinyal UPN Yogyakarta) Tugas Akhir (Yogyakarta: Universitas Islam Indonesia)

Sinambela T P, Kumaat M, and Pandey S V 2021 analisa hubungan kinerja simpang bersinyal dengan konsumsi bahan bakar (Studi Kasus: Simpang Jl. A.A. Maramis-Jl. Ringroad II) Jurnal TEKNO, Vol. 19, No. 78, 159-170.

Isnaeni M 2003 Efek Lingkungan Interaksi Transportasi dan Tata Ruang Kota Tesis (Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Republik Indonesia 2015 Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 96 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Manajemen dan Rekayasa Lalu Lintas.


Z B Harwinda1,2,W Wilopo[1]* and I G B Indrawan1


1 Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2 Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jakarta, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Determination of excavation technique was one of the essential factors in tunnel construction stability. It also had an impact on the efficiency of the construction phase. However, in the Detail Engineering Design of the Rukoh Dam Suppletion Tunnel, there was no study of the most optimal excavation technique in the construction phase. This study aimed to assess the efficiency of excavation capabilities based on engineering geology conditions. The parameters used in this study are RMR values, GSI values, If-index (discontinuity spacing), Point Load (Is50) values, and Excavation Power Index (EPI). The excavatability classification used the method developed by Abdullatif and Cruden, Pettifer and Fookes, and Tsiambaos and Saroglou. The procedure for evaluating efficiency used the EXCASS system. The tunnel’s rock mass quality was poor calcareous siltstone. The excavation method in the tunnel was the top heading and bench with a stand-up time of 10 hours for a 2.5 m span. Based on the result, the most optimal excavation technique used was the easy ripping method for zones 1 and 4, while the digging method was for zones 2, 3, and 5. Even though the recommendations were classified, project cost efficiency studies are required to bolster the recommendations.


Keywords: excavation technique, rukoh dam suppletion tunnel, EXCASS system



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D Wulandari1*, R Rosita2, A F Maulana3, I Mansur4, Kasam[1]


1 Department of Environemntal Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, IndonesiaJl Kaliurang KM 14, 5 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 55584

2 SEAMEO BIOTROP, Jl Raya Tajur Bogor 16134, Indonesia

3 Department of Bioresources Technology and Veterinary, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Gedung SV UGM, Sekip Unit 1, Depok Sleman Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

4  Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, Dramaga Bogor 16680, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]



Tin mining is one industry that contributes to Indonesia’s economic development. However, because tin is always in high demand, this activity creates an environmental problem. Silica sand, the dominant soil in post-tin mining, is easily eroded by water and wind, resulting in soil nutrient deficiency including N. Because this condition makes it difficult for organisms to survive, rehabilitation is essential. Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth. N-fixing rhizobacteria are well-known for fixing N from the atmosphere, whether through symbiosis or otherwise. The goal of this study was to isolate indigenous N-fixing rhizobacteria from a post-tin mining area. The soybean plant was used as the testing plant. Three types of N-fixing rhizobacteria were isolated from the nodule of Acacia mangium growing in a post-tin mining area: B1, B2, and B3. To minimize the nutrient content in the growth media, the plant was grown in sterilized sand. Inoculated and non-inoculated soybean were grown in a greenhouse for three months without fertilizer. There were seven replications. Among the treatments, B3 had the highest soil and pod N content, best growth performance, nodule formation, and soybean production. This finding suggests that B3 could be used for future rehabilitation in the post-tin mining area.


Keywords: post-tin mining, rehabilitation, rhizobacteria. N deficiency




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RG Dewi1,2, UWR Siagian1,3, KE Prasetya2, SEF Sitanggang5, A Primananda2, VTF Harisetyawan2, IN Ikhsan3, GN Sevie6*


1Center for Research on Energy Policy, Institut Teknnologi Bandung, Indonesia

2Center for Research Technology Radioisotope, Radiopharmaceutical, and Biodosimetry, National Research and Innovation Agency, 11 Building, PUSPIPTEK, South Tangerang, Indonesia, 15314.

3Directorate of Facilitation and Monitoring of Regional Research and Innovation, National Research and Innovation Agency, BJ Habibie Building, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10340

4Directorate of Environment, Maritime, Natural Resources, and Nuclear Policy, National Research and Innovation Agency, BJ Habibie Building, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10340

5Research Center of Environment and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, 820 Building, PUSPIPTEK, South Tangerang, Indonesia, 15314

6Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, 625 Building, PUSPIPTEK, South Tangerang, Indonesia, 15314

6* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]





Indonesia’s NDC target, both unconditional and conditional, has not significantly contributed to balancing GHG removals and emissions in three-quarters of the 21st century to keep global temperature increases below 1.5 °C. A more in-depth analysis is needed to reduce GHG emissions to preserve global temperatures at 1.5°C. The AIM-ExSS and AIM/Enduse models analyze Indonesia’s long-term (2050) power mitigation through several scenarios. (i) The BaU (Business as Usual) or baseline scenario assumes no effort to improve energy efficiency or add renewable energy since the base year, resulting in additional electricity needs being met by conventional fossil power plants. CM1: extended-conditional NDC (iii) CM2: Extended-unconditional NDC (iv) CM3 is an ambitious power decarbonization scenario. In 2050, CM1 and CM2 reduced GHG emissions by 22% and 24%, respectively. CM3 potentially reduces 2,422 million tons of CO2e, or 92% of the 2050 baseline emissions. CCS (carbon capture and storage) technology is a key technology for deep decarbonization in the power sector. In addition to geologic sequestration, CO2 bio-fixation by cultivating microalgae can be considered as CCS. This study assessed Airlift-Vertigro bio-reactors to cultivate Botryococcus braunii for CO2 bio-fixation and biofuel (microalgal oil), which can be used to achieve carbon neutrality in the power sector.


Keywords: CO2 storage, climate change mitigation, microalgae, renewable energy




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F M Iresha1*, Kasam1, D S Nuramadhani1, A Rahmat2

1 Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta

2 Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Indonesia

[1] *Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Final Disposal Site (FDS) which is a place that is produced from landfills or the final stage in waste processing. Gunung Tugel FDS which is located in Kedungrandu Village, Patikraja District, Banyumas Regency has a source of waste originating from settlements, markets, shops and also industry of 260 m3/day. The existing facilities at the Gunung Tugel FDS have not been maximized because they use the open dumping method, namely the discarded waste is allowed to accumulate without any further processing other than that there is no leachate or leachate disposal. Leachate that is not treated can infiltrate into the ground and contaminate the surrounding groundwater. The study was conducted to determine the concentration of heavy metals Zinc (Zn) and Chromium (Cr) in the hair of the community around the Gunung Tugel FDS, Banyumas Regency and analyze the relationship between length of stay, source of drinking water consumption and the amount of drinking water consumption with heavy metal content in the community around the Gunung Tugel FDS, Banyumas Regency. The number of samples was determined using the distance of residence from the FDS, namely 16 samples. The distance used has 4 retrieval points and 4 repetitions which are at a distance of 500 meters, 1000 meters, 1500 meters and 2000 meters. The results of the analysis of the concentration of Zn in the hair of the people around the Gunung Tugel FDS reached 85.52 – 339.64 µg/g and the concentration of Cr in the sample was in the range of 1.8±0.3 ppm. At point 1 the average concentration obtained is 609.87 mg/kg, this shows that the closer the distance, the faster the exposure to heavy metals produced by the landfill.

Keywords: Heavy Metal, exposure, disposal




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 A Sastrawan1, L Makrup1, Ruzardi1, and S Fadilah1*

1Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]



Siltation becomes the Mrica reservoir’s main problem that causes the reduction of the effective storage capacity of the dam, so it cannot function properly. This research aims to obtain the optimal Reservoir Operating Rules that can produce maximum electrical power in hydropower and fulfill the irrigation water requirements as designed according to the existing reservoir capacity. The optimization method used in this research is a Deterministic Dynamic Program, assuming the event occurs as a certain occurrence. In this procedure, the existing constraints divide into multi-stages with decision variables at each stage. The analysis starts from a backward to a forward recursive to get the water storage and release maximum used as a recommendation to design the effective Reservoir Operation Rules. It was simulated using three scenarios, including Scenario 1 (Q IR optimization=actual); Scenario 2 (Q IR optimization=design); and Scenario 3(Q IR generate optimization=demand). Based on the benchmarking analysis results, the percentage of design, actual, and optimized Reservoir Operation Rules were 98.08%, 98.29%, and 99.04%, respectively, which indicates the design Reservoir Operational Rules performance is not better than others. Besides that, Scenario 2 has the highest profit of Rp 76350527181 and fulfills regulation No. 7 of 2004 concerning water resources.


Keywords : Optimization, Reservoir, Management



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