P D K Utami[1]*, A W H Suharsono2, D Harlan2, M Farid2, F I W Rohmat2, E O Nuadagroho2, A Mardiyono3


1 Master’s Program in Water Resources Management, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia, 40132

2Water Resources Engineering Research Group, Study Program of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia 40132

3Public Company Jasa Tirta II, Jl. Lurah Kawi No. 1 Jatiluhur, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat 41152

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




West Java has three cascade reservoirs namely Saguling, Cirata, and Ir. H. Juanda (Jatiluhur). This research was conducted to describe water availability using the stochastic method (ARIMA with RStudio) and to simulate future reservoir operating guidelines. The operating guidelines used for these three reservoirs are based on the modified SNI Pd T-21-2004-A for three conditions, dry, normal, and wet. The 1974 – 2018 Nanjung Station historical discharge data are used. From the preliminary test results, the possible model is ARIMA (1,0,0) (1,0,1) (12) and obtained correlation value of 0.51 and NSE value of 0.084. Forecasting is done for the next 5 years. The equation = 6.4368 + 0.5593. −1 + 0.999. −12 + − 0.9723−12 is obtained and the results have not been able to describe the peak discharge. Dependable discharge is calculated for each condition. From the results of the calculation of the operating guidelines, there is a shortage in November 2020, but the available discharge is still sufficient for PJT II needs. The Jatiluhur Reservoir is hard to be full in June, so it is designed so that the reservoir will be closer to full in May. The water shortage in the calculation of the reservoir operating guidelines happens due to forecasted result that has not been able to describe the peak discharge. Although there are differences, in general the energy produced increases because the water elevation is maintained stable, and the discharge flow is not that different from data in the operating guidelines plan.


Keywords: Stochastic Model, Cascade, Reservoir




Associated Consulting Engineering – ACE (PVT) LTD. 2015 Technical Report on Juanda (Jatiluhur) Reservoir Volume I – Sedimentation. Bandung: Kementerian PUPR BBWS Citarum

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C Utomo[1]*, Y Rahmawati2 , Aqsha3


1 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

2 Universitas Gadjah Mada

3 Institut Teknologi Bandung

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Connected construction is open communication between technologies. It is the most advanced form of technology today in the field of construction. Currently, modeling technology has been developed to help in understanding the design and building management strategies and decisions. Although it has been very advanced, it still has weaknesses in the shared system, as well as in building system products and stakeholders. Automation technology creates reliable control in connected construction processes that drive cost-efficiency. It process integrates building design, construction, and operations and also integrates developers, construction players, and building system manufacturing industries. This paper aims to present a concept of an automated support system that allows automated design decisions and management as a control of the connected construction. A Multi-Agent System (MAS) is applied to provide an appropriate decentralized approach to the characteristics of fragmentation in construction. As the result, the method covers 19 functionalities. The solution is more optimal and gives efficiency and effectiveness to deal with changing circumstances and problem-solving where data, expertise, and control are distributed.


Keywords: Building energy system, construction, conceptual idea



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E Wardhani[1]*, M R Pratama1


1 Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, National Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Cimanuk River water is the main raw water source in West Java Province. The quality of the water must be maintained so that it can be useful in the long term. Cimanuk River water is planned to be a source of raw water for clean water services in the West Java Region. Based on this, it is necessary to know the quality of this river water. This study aims to calculate the water and sediment pollution index considering that there is a strong relationship between the water column and sediment in the river. The research method uses the Pollution Index method to determine the water pollution index and the Contamination Factor and Metal Pollution Index to assess the quality of sediment due to heavy metal pollution. . There are 6 (six) parameters that do not meet the quality standards, namely: BOD5, COD, Total Ammonia (NH3-N), Sulfur as H2S, Free Chlorine (Cl2), and Copper (Cu). Sources of pollution are predicted to come from domestic and agricultural activities in the Cimanuk river basin. The results of the analysis of sediment quality using the Contamination Factor method showed that the sediment of the Cimanuk River was polluted with heavy metals Cadmium and Copper with a very high category. Based on the results of calculations using the Metal Pollution Index method, it was concluded that the sediment of the Cimanuk River was polluted with heavy metals.


Keywords: Cimanjuk, River, Sediment, Water, Quality



Detail Engineering Report Cimanuk Raw Water System Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Cimanuk Cisanggarung

Wardhani, E., Primalaksono, Y. (2022). Pollutant Index Method in Determining the Water Quality Status of the Cimahi River in West Bandung Regency. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2022, 999(1), 012025

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Eka, W.Suprihanto, N.Dwina, R. (2018) Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Saguling Reservoir Water West Java Province Indonesia. E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, 73, 06009

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Wardhani, E., Roosmini, D., Notodarmojo, S. (2021). Calculation of heavy metals pollution load enters to Saguling dam West Java Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2021, 802(1), 012032

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I A R Widhiawati[1]*, N M A Wiryasa2 , D K Sudarsana3 , and K D Harmayani4


1 Doctor of Engineering Study Program, Udayana University, Denpasar, 80361, Bali, Indonesia

2,3,4 Department of Doctoral Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Denpasar, 80361, Bali, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Denpasar Sewerage Development Project (DSDP) is a domestic wastewater network development project that serves Denpasar City, Sanur Area, and Kuta Area. Built from soft loans from the Japanese Government, the State Budget, the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the Province of Bali, Denpasar City, and Badung Regency. The total cost is 11,404 million JPY and IDR 193.25 billion. There are  Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Suwung, the main network, pump houses in Sanur and Kuta. The domestic wastewater management system is a basic service provided by the government, but requires community participation in retribution payments for service rendered for its operation and maintenance. The amount of the levy is determined in the service tariff based on the basic cost, waste water source, type of activity, and customer classification according to the volume of wastewater generated, so that the service tariff is different for each customer classification. The base cost is determined from the previous year’s actual costs and processing capacity. The average costs for 2017-2021 are IDR 14,465 billion. The capacity of the centralized wastewater treatment plant is 51,000 m3/day. The Basic Cost to recover operational and maintenance costs for the centralized domestic wastewater treatment service is IDR 5,103/m3.


Keywords: Wastewater, basic cost, management services



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A Suryaningrum[1]*,3, C Utomo1, E Santoso2


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

2 Department of Urban Regional Planning Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

3 Study Program of Civil Engineering, Universitas Bhayangkara, Surabaya

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Public Private Partnership (PPP) needs to be developed, related to the construction of infrastructure projects that require large costs incurred by the government. One of the important variables in preparing PPP contracts is to determine the concession period by taking into account the risks and uncertainties that occur during the concession period. The purpose of the study is to find out the research methods used related to the concession period by analyzing 30 papers related to the concession period. In the collection of research data, there are quantitative and qualitative approaches. The methods used in each study use different methods, based on the analysis of research methods from 30 papers. In the topic of discussion of the concession period, in general, the paper discusses the type of modeling, decision criteria, solutions, cases, research objects, risks and uncertainties and methods used. Previous studies related to the concession period have many different methods and objectives, In quadrant mapping shows that the use of quantitative methods with secondary data is the most dominant. Based on the reviews that have been carried out in this study, it can be concluded that the use of quantitative methods with secondary data is the most dominant.


Keywords: Public private partnership, research methods, concession period



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E Wardhani[1], N A Fitriani1*


1 Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, National Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Setiamanah Lake is located in Setiamanah Village, Central Cimahi District, Cimahi City. This lake has an area of 0.04 ha with a depth of 5 m and a volume of 1.204.5 m3. This lake functions as a rainwater shelter and is planned to be used as a raw water source. This lake is part of the Cisangkan River watershed. The activities of residents in the watershed significantly affect the lake’s water quality. Activities in the Cisangkan River Basin consist of domestic, non-domestic, agricultural, and plantation activities. The Setiamanah lake will be designated as a source of raw water, so it is necessary to analyze the water quality and determine its quality status to find out how the water conditions and the lake management are. Water quality analysis was carried out in October 2021 (rainy season) and April 2022 (dry season) with 23 parameters analyzed. In 2021 12 parameters do not meet the standards, and in 2022 9 parameters do not meet the quality standards. The quality standard used is Government Regulation No.22 of 2021 class I. Based on the calculation of water quality status using the pollutant index method, Setiamanah Lake in both seasons shows mild contamination, with the pollutant index value in 2021 being 8.398 and in 2022 being 8.325.


Keywords: Setiamanah Lake, Cisangkan River, quality standards, water quality, pollutant index



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A V R Sihombing[1]*, R Utami1, A K Soemantri1, A Febriansya1, and R P Sihombing2


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jln.Gegerkalong Hilir, Ciwaruga, Bandung, Indonesia

2Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Jl. PH.H. Mustofa No.23, Bandung, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Glycerine pitch (GP) is a by-product from the refining process of Crude Glycerol from the palm oleochemical industry which in its processing requires a cost of USD 400/ton. In Indonesia, it is estimated that the production of GP reaches 35 thousand tons/year. This study aims to examine the potential of GP as an extender for asphalt binder pen 60/70, according to the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) test to see its chemical structure and asphalt binder rheology in the laboratory. The materials used in this research are pen 60/70 and GP from the oil palm oleochemical industry in Bekasi Regency which are produced from the hydrolysis route. GP was added to asphalt pen 60/70 with variations in the percentage of GP to the weight of asphalt pen 60/70 were 0%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. Based on the results of the FTIR test, it is known that GP belongs to a polyglycerol compound which is similar to the long compound in petroleum asphalt. The addition of GP up to 25% to asphalt-based rheology still meets the characteristics of pen 60/70 with a penetration value of 64.14 dmm, softening point 52 C, viscosity 408.52 cSt, ductility > 100 cm and density 1.061.


Keywords : Glycherine Pitch; Ashpalt; FITR



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R Rahmi[1], N Marlina2*, and S Rahmawati2


1 Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Kaliurang KM 14.5, Sleman Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia

2 Environmental Risk Analysis Laboratory, Department of Environmental Engineering ,Universitas Islam Indonesia, Kaliurang KM 14.5, Sleman Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]



The location of the study was on the 46.93 km Winongo River which passes through the Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta City, and ends in Bantul Regency. The Winongo River receives sources of pollutants such as domestic waste, agricultural waste, and fishery waste so river pollution occurs. The purpose of this study is to analyze the water quality of the Winongo River with point source and nonpoint source pollutant sources and obtain alternative strategies for Winongo river water quality management from the results of Qual2kw modeling simulations that can increase DO concentration and reduce BOD concentration. Based on the results of the study showed that the occurrence of pollution in the Winongo River, as evidenced by the average BOD concentration that exceeded the class II quality standard of 4.45 mg / L and the concentration of 5.38 mg / L. Simulation results of pollutant load modification and local oxygenation simulations were effective in increasing DO concentrations in the Winongo River. Meanwhile, the simulation of local oxygenation and simulation of modification of pollutant loads are effective in reducing BOD concentrations in the Winongo River.


Keywords : River Water; DO and BOD Parameters; Software




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D A Dayani1,2, W Wilopo1*, I Azwartika2


1Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

2Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia


[1]* Corresponding author’s email:  [email protected]




Groundwater is one water source to meet the needs of humans, animals, and plants. The groundwater potential of an area is usually difficult to determine because it is below the [1]surface. The Indonesian government has a program to develop a food estate in Central Sumba Regency; however, the availability of surface irrigation water is limited. Therefore, the assessment of groundwater potential was conducted. In this study, the evaluation of groundwater potential was carried out using geophysical methods and a hydrogeological survey. The resistivity of subsurface rocks was measured in 20 VES points by Schlumberger configuration. The area of the food estate in Central Sumba is mainly composed of limestone that forms a karst landscape. The groundwater level from the existing well is around 2-16 meters from the surface. The potential of rock as an aquifer is limestone with a resistivity value between 34 -7013 Ωm. There are two types of aquifers in the study area: unconfined and confined aquifers. Unconfined aquifers are found at a depth of 2-7 meters, while confined aquifers are found at depths of 11-120 meters. The distribution of aquifers is more in the western part of the study area.


Keywords : Geolectrical Methods; Groundwater; Food Estate




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A V Kumbhre[1]*, J Barman2, S Bharule3


1Research Scholar, Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India – 721302

2Professor, Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India – 721302

3Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India – 721302

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Rivers play a vital role in enhancing the identity of any city. Similarly, Mula, Mutha, and Mula-Mutha rivers are the identity of Pune city. When we look at the rivers of Pune closely, we will find the horrendous scenario. The major issues with the rivers of Pune are river flooding, river pollution, partial dry riverbeds, underutilized riverbanks, slum encroachment, and inaccessibility. These rivers are in a vulnerable state due to rapid urban growth. The unplanned growth of Pune city has degraded the quality of its river. The overall perspective towards the river has changed and the city is showing its back to its rivers. These kinds of scenarios have raised challenges for Pune city which is affecting the lives of its citizens. Therefore, we should investigate these issues closely and come up with the best possible compatible solutions for retaining the identity of the city and enhancing the quality of life. The riverfront development along these rivers can overcome these issues and integrates socio-cultural, economic, and environmental activities which are existing along the rivers of Pune.


Keyword : Sustainable; Development; Urban Riverfront


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