Prof. Frank Eckardt

Frank Eckardt holds a PhD in political science from the University of Kassel, Germany. Since 1999 he has been working at the Bauhaus University Weimar, first as a research assistant, from 2002 as a junior professor and since his habilitation in 2009 as professor of social science and urban research. In 2007 he also held the Alfred Grosser Chair of Political Science at the Institut d’études politiques in Paris and was a representative professor at Goethe University Frankfurt (Chair of Urban Sociology) in 2008 and 2009. His main field of resarch are urban issues of cultural diversity and social inequalities in the city. Since many years he is also engaged in research on sustainability. Most recent publication: (with Anton Brokow-Loga) Postwachstumsstadt: Konturen einer solidarischen Stadt (Post-growth city: Contours of a solidarity city). München: oekom.