M Rahnuma[1]*, M M H Chowdhury2, T R Ferdousi3, A Ahmed4, and N Ahmed5


1Department of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh 6204.

2Department of Civil Engineering, Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet, Bangladesh 3100

3Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh 4349

4Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA 02912.

5Researcher, National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.

[1]* Corresponding author: [email protected]




Over the last few decades, significant damages have been observed in our environment. Being a densely populated country, Bangladesh has also faced significant environmental challenges over the last couple of years. To understand the pattern, researchers have analyzed land coverages in several parts of the world. This study presents an analytical study of the land coverages and land transition maps of the Rajshahi City located in Bangladesh. Our study was focused on the 1990,1998,2007,2014, and 2021 years. The maps were generated using ArcGIS 10.8 software. From our results, we observed that there was significant vegetation loss in the selected region over the years. The reduction in vegetation area is determined by a trend line of 0.8291% per year starting from 1990. Previous studies have shown that trees absorb the pollutants from the air and make the air cleaner. In this study, several graphs showing the decreasing rate of the absorption of air pollutants due to decreasing rate of vegetation are manifested. The increasing rate of air pollutants causes several life-threatening diseases and contributes to the rising temperature. To cope with this vegetation loss, we have proposed a partial solution that is rooftop gardening which supports Urban planning management with greenery.


Keywords: Vegetation; Remote sensing; Air pollutants; Rooftop gardening.



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A N Jannah [1]*, P J Romadhona1,2, I Y Rahman1, A Rahmawati3


1Universitas Islam Indonesia

2University of Leeds, UK

3Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




The development of the Special Region of Yogyakarta requires transportation facilities and infrastructure that can accommodate the needs of local transportation services for people or goods movements that are safe, comfortable, and punctual. This research aims to identify the accident-prone areas on the Special Region of Yogyakarta provincial roads and provide recommendation of the handling priorities for government as a policy-making to reduce the number of accidents. Accident-prone areas were analysed with Kernel Density Analysis and Buffer Analysis using ArcGIS software then the areas were ranked using the Accident Equivalent Number method. The field survey is carried out at the top 3 accident-prone areas to analysed the types of accidents and the reasons of the accident resulting in the recommendation for stakeholders. The findings of this research are the top 3 accident-prone areas including Yogyakarta – Barongan road section (near Muhammadiyah Blawong Elementary School), Bantul – Srandakan road section (near Mangiran Market), and Bantul – Srandakan road section (near Pandak police office). There are several recommendations for handling, for instance signs and markings installation, geometric repairments, and the awareness of the road user community towards safe traffic that needs to be carried out continuously through various media.


Keywords: Accidents; ArcGIS software; Kernel Density Analysis



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This acknowledgment is to Transportation Agency of Yogyakarta Province for the project funding support.



J Prayogo[1]*, F Faris2, H C Hardiyatmo3


1Master student in Natural Disaster Management Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2Directorate General of Human Settlements, The Ministry of Public Works and Housing, South Jakarta, Indonesia

3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




The Malalayang Beach area is a strategic tourist destination close to Manado city. Arrangement of the area is carried out by building several buildings that can support this area as a tourist destination. Liquefaction is a phenomenon when the soil loses its strength of contact between particles. This is due to earthquake shocks that trigger an increase of water pressure in areas with loose sand characteristics (not dense). The settlement of soil due to liquefaction is a vertical deformation of the soil in the soil layer caused by soil compaction due to earthquakes. The study purpose is to determine how much reduction could occur at the research site as an early stage of the early stages of risk management. With the N-SPT data, the Yoshimine method and the computational method Rocscience Settle 3D can be used to analyze the settlement. Yoshimine method indicates settlement with a very low classification in BH-MLY-01 and high in BH-MLY-05. In RS Settle 3D, the location of BH-MLY-01 has a very low classification, and the location of BH-MLY-05 is dominated by low classification. The maximum settlement resulted from the Rocscience Settle 3D at the BH-MLY-05 location by 11,588 cm.


Keywords: Liquefaction; The settlement of soil; Risk Management



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D R Septiadi[1],2*, H C Hardiyatmo1 and F Faris1

1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

2 Directorate General of Human Settlement, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Republic of Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author: [email protected]




Pile foundations placed until hard soil layer and passed through a liquefied layer can be a mitigation effort against liquefaction hazards to buildings. Nevertheless, liquefaction can still impact the stability of the pile. The Anutapura Medical Center (AMC) building at the Anutapura General Hospital complex, Palu city, is a building that is planned to be built on potentially liquefied soil. The foundation of the building was planned to use bored pile foundations to mitigate the possibility of liquefaction. This study aims to analyze and compare the stability of the bored pile group foundation of the AMC building under non-liquefaction and liquefaction soil conditions. The study was conducted by manually calculating the bearing capacity of the bored pile based on soil data. Further analysis was carried out by modeling the pile foundation using Geo5 Pile Group to determine the deformation and internal forces acting on the pile group. The analysis was carried out in 2 cases, i.e., non-liquefaction and liquefaction conditions. The results show differences in the bearing capacity, deformation, and internal forces in non-liquefaction and liquefaction soil conditions. The study results are expected to be a reference and consideration in designing pile foundations in liquefaction-prone locations.


Keywords: Liquefaction, Pile foundation, Bearing capacity, Geo5 Pile Group.



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Kezia Ruus1*, Ahmad Rifa’i1, Agus Darmawan Adi1

1Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sleman, Indonesia, 55281

1*Corresponding email: [email protected]




The Sidoarjo mud volcano is a geological disaster which still erupting after 16 years located in a densely populated. The eruption of Sidoarjo mud volcano is the longest continous disaster that Indonesia has ever experienced. It is known that there is overpressure in subsurface that propagated to the surface throught faults. However, the overpressure generation leads to the increase of pore water pressure, so the effective soil stress decreases. This study aims to estimate the change of pore water pressure and effective stress on the subgrade of Sidoarjo mud volcano due to the subsurface pressure. Furthermore, this study considers the existing embankment and excess pore water pressure due to the consolidation process using Finite Element Method. The results show high active pore water pressure in these area is around -580 kPa, due to the consolidation process is -372 kPa and the contribution of subsurface pressure is -208 kPa. The anomaly of effective stress occur from a depth of -13 m to -30 m. Thus, the reduction of effective stress is around 6%-56% from the ideal conditions with the largest reduction occurred at a depth of -30 m.


Keywords: subsurface pressure, pore water pressure, effective stress



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A Zakariya1, A Rifa’i1,*, S Ismanti1

1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sleman, Indonesia, 55281

1*Corresponding email: [email protected]




The Palu IV bridge collapsed after the 2018 Palu earthquake. Bridge failure is caused by moment force and buckling increasing simultaneously while liquefaction occurs. This study performs a simulation of the Kretek 2 Bridge by three models; pinned and roller support, bearing pad, and lead rubber bearing to understand seismic load reduction with different supports. The bridge load refers to SNI 1725:2016 and SNI 2833:2016. Site-specific response spectra are required due to near earthquake sources. The analysis result using MIDAS both bearing pads and lead rubber bearings show a significant reduction in beam forces. Axial forces, shear Y, shear Z, moment Y and moment Z, for bearing pad model were reduced to -10.79%, -7.28%, -74.59%, -65.51%, and -19.28%, respectively, whereas for lead rubber bearings model were reduced to -10.88%, +5.29%, -72.75%, -63.48%, and -7.34% respectively. However, the displacement in the bearing pad reaches 0.221m exceeding a boundary maximum of 0.050mm, so it cannot be used. Displacement of lead rubber bearing reaches 0.162m, which is still below 0.384mm. Thus, a lead rubber bearing used as a seismic isolation damper is appropriate for the Kretek 2 Bridge.


Keywords: bridge failure, bearing pad, lead rubber bearing, MIDAS, beam forces, displacement



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F K Dewi 1,2*, W Wilopo 1 and D A Rinaldi2, I Azwartika2


1Departement of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

2Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia

1*Corresponding author: [email protected]




Landslides are disasters that can cause damage to the environment and infrastructure and disrupt community activities, especially in mountainous and hilly areas. Identifying the geometry and some physical characteristics of the landslide material is essential to determining the appropriate mitigation method. This study used electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to investigate landslides on the spillway slope of Ciawi Dam, West Java. The identification was carried out a 2-D resistivity data along seven profiles over the landslide area using a Dipole-dipole configuration. Borehole data also supported it. Electrical resistivity tomography analysis shows that the northern part of the landslide location is dominated by the water-saturated zone and weathered rocks in the southern part. Borehole data support that the rock at the landslide location consists of tuffaceous sandstone with tuffaceous clay inserts that are moderate to highly weathered. The resistivity data from the line recorded along the axis of the landslide also indicated the failure surface.


Keywords: landslides, electrical resistivity tomography, dry dam



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I A Rakhmatika[1]*


1Universitas Gadjah Mada

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




A flood in Serang Regency is predicted to occur due to changes in land use in the Ciujung River Basin. Land cover conditions in upstream areas affect flooding in downstream areas. A study is needed to evaluate the runoff from the Ciujung River Basin that reaches the flood-prone area in Serang Regency. This research aims to identify the effect of land-use change on floods in the Serang Regency and identify sub-watersheds that have a dominant influence on floods. The effect of the land-use change was analyzed by determining the composite curve number (CN) values in 2010 and 2019. Composite CN values were used for simulating flood hydrographs with 5, 20, 50, 100, and 1000 return periods using a simple semi-distributed rainfall-runoff hydrological model. The results showed that all sub-watersheds experienced an increase in composite CN values. The upper middle sub-watershed has a dominant influence on floods in normal conditions ranging from 9.2%-19.6%, in wet conditions ranging from 2.4%-6.5%. Implementing the spatial pattern of the Banten Provincial Plan 2010-2030 can reduce the composite CN value and the peak discharge of flood by around 7.3%-13.3% for normal conditions, in wet conditions down by about 1.7%-4.1% for each return period.


Keywords: Flood; Hydrological Model; Effect of Landuse



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R M S Prastica[1]*, M A N Shulthony2, and A P Kinanti3


1Waterworks Construction Technology, Public Works Polytechnic, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
2Postgraduate student, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3Water Resource Directorate, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jakarta, Indonesia

[1]*Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]



Urban water-related disasters are a commonly occurring event including in Indonesia. According to recent news, a watershed in South Sumatera submerged due to heavy rainfall and other factors. This study focuses on the Musi River, Palembang. It studied the two alternatives of flood mitigation in the Musi River system, namely hydraulics modification and green infrastructure landscape. The research methodology of the paper covers hydrological analysis, hydraulics, and slope stability calculation by using Google Earth Engine, 1-D HEC-RAS and Geo-Studio software, and green infrastructure simulation by employing SWMM analysis. The hydraulics modification appears to be able to lessen the flood in the watershed with a 100% reduction. Meanwhile, green infrastructure installation provides a 12.5% reduction in water volume in the study area. The government could opt after dealing with their infrastructure budgeting and environmental condition.


Keywords: Urban Floods, HEC-RAS, and SWMM


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A R P Negara [1],2*, Sarwidi2, F Nugraheni2



2Universitas Islam Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) is one of the largest developing geothermal projects in Indonesia. This project is located in Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatera Province. KS ORKA acquired the majority shares of the company in mid-2016 and since then the project has completed drilling program for 18 wells and confirmed at least 55 MW of proven resources. The project aims to connect 240 MW power to The PT PLN grid. The Steam field Diagram Options (SAGS) conceptual design based on the wellpad separation concept with the separated fluids running the Well Head Units (WHU) installed within the production well pad. This SAGS concept is a decentralized system with shorter pipelines per plant. The SAGS concept has the advantage of a faster time to see its development compared to the traditional concept. High risk of that could occurs during geothermal exploration and development activities identifying risks of geohazard in early phase of geothermal development plan might cause some problems and catastrophic events such as damages on infrastructure, well pad, road access, pipeline, well leaks or broken, impairment of power plant facilities, and following cessation of electricity production. Moreover, these events also could affect the nature or environment surrounding the field and results fatality or loss of human lives. Therefore, it is very critical to have a well – structured and comprehensive method as a guide to identify and mitigate the geohazard risks. The aim of this study is to gathers and reviews disaster preparedness level in SMGP Project area especially geohazard such as earthquake and landslide. Evaluation of existing building using FEMA P-154 and ASCE 41-17 Tier 1 and 2 also explained on this study.


Keywords: Sorik Marapi, Disaster Preparedness Level, Geothermal Power



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