F K Dewi 1,2*, W Wilopo 1 and D A Rinaldi2, I Azwartika2


1Departement of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

2Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia

1*Corresponding author: [email protected]




Landslides are disasters that can cause damage to the environment and infrastructure and disrupt community activities, especially in mountainous and hilly areas. Identifying the geometry and some physical characteristics of the landslide material is essential to determining the appropriate mitigation method. This study used electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to investigate landslides on the spillway slope of Ciawi Dam, West Java. The identification was carried out a 2-D resistivity data along seven profiles over the landslide area using a Dipole-dipole configuration. Borehole data also supported it. Electrical resistivity tomography analysis shows that the northern part of the landslide location is dominated by the water-saturated zone and weathered rocks in the southern part. Borehole data support that the rock at the landslide location consists of tuffaceous sandstone with tuffaceous clay inserts that are moderate to highly weathered. The resistivity data from the line recorded along the axis of the landslide also indicated the failure surface.


Keywords: landslides, electrical resistivity tomography, dry dam



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