B Sulistiyono[1]*, F Nugraheni2, M A Wibowo3, A Musyafa2


1 PT. Wijaya Karya

2 Universitas Islam Indonesia

3 Universitas Diponegoro

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




It is thought that a technique for carrying out blasting operations for rock extraction must be both effective and secure. It is intended that the blasting will be both safe and able to meet the needs of the stockpile material because the blasting area is adjacent to residential areas. This study intends to determine the cost and duration of the rock excavation work by blasting at the Trenggalek Tugu Dam Construction Project, as well as the effectiveness brought about by the implementation of modified blasting geometry. The inquiry was supported by descriptive and comparative methodologies. For this study, both quantitative and qualitative data were required. Quantitative data was gathered using working drawings, tool specifications, and material specifications; qualitative data was gathered using work procedures, specifications, and islands for related jobs. Quantitative information is obtained through the analysis of papers written by consultants and service providers. To acquire qualitative power, interviews with subject-matter experts and literature research were conducted. Because the work can be done more rapidly than with the prior geometry and because doing so has a lower cost analysis, the results reveal that using the modified geometry is more cost-effective than using the prior blasting geometry. Utilizing a combination of blasting geometry using the CJ Konya method and ICI-Explosive, there was a 9.3% acceleration in task execution and a 1.133% cost efficiency of the contract value (Trial & Error).


Keywords: Blasting, Construction; Cost-effective; Geometry



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T R Puspita[1],2*, D P E Putra1, A H Rafsanjani1, and R Farjrina 1


1 Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

2 Ministry of Public Work and Housing

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Salty water in the aquifer influences changes in groundwater quality may cause by pumping activities and/or natural phenomena. This paper reported the result of salty water mapping in the shallow groundwater of Tegal city.  The EC values of groundwater in the study area ranges between 510 µS/cm to 7610 µS/cm, and TDS values are between 300 mg/L to 2450 mg/L. The geoelectrical measurement  on study area reveals a very low resistivity layer of 0.307 Ùm at a depth of 2.87 to 12 meters, indicating brackish water. Based on the EC and TDS also geoelectrical survey, a map of salty water is produced and shows that in shallow groundwater of Tegal City, brackish water appears in the middle part of City and northeast part near the coastal area.


Keywords : Water mapping; Water Quality Data; Geoelectrical




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S N Fitri[1],2*, N S Surjandari1, Y M Purwana1, B Setiawan1, G Chrismaningwang1, and H Dananjaya1


1UNS Geoscience Research Group, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia.

2Disaster Research centre, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia.

[1],2* Corresponding author: [email protected]




The development of Indonesia’s economic sectors and populations leads to huge regional problems, which provide the large community’s electricity needs in several areas. The common solution to this issue is to offer the potential natural resources that are safe for the environment and can be used as a source of electricity, such as a small-scale hydroelectric power plant or a Micro-Hydro Power Plant. This structure requires the dynamic foundations to accept dynamic loads caused by machine movements such as rotation, vertical movement, horizontal movement, and torque. The main objective of this work is to analyse the effect dimension of machine foundation and machine capacity in several conditions. This research was conducted on numerous machine capacity, namely machine 1, 2, and 3, which offers different frequency and weight. The foundation length was designed to range between 4 and 6m, which design a similar embedded foundation at 1m and width of 0.5m. The soil properties were conducted in secondary data with CPT results. The outcome provides that the addition of foundation area reduces the amplitude. The results show a similar trend in three categories; vertical, horizontal, and rocking aspects which generate values of approximately 57%, around 40%, and about 50%, respectively, in all machine types. The higher area and length of the foundation, the smaller amplitude will be.


Keywords: Machine; Block-type; Dynamic; Amplitude; Foundation



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Yurika[1]*, Livia1, Makmur A1, and Rachmansyah1

1 Engineering and Science Computer Faculty- Civil Engineering Department, Krida Wacana Christian University, Tanjung Duren Raya no. 4 – West Jakarta, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]



During the COVID-19 pandemic for more than two years, there was an acceleration in increasing LDPE household waste, especially from food packaging. The problem of plastic waste is an issue that requires more attention for reuse. Meanwhile, the urban infrastructure growth is followed by the reduction of water catchment areas, so that surface water runoff causes flooding. Responding to this, porous pavement is a solution for infrastructure development, that has a low impact on the environment. However, the fact is that porous asphalt pavement has low stability, so it is applied to low traffic loads such as pedestrian ways. To overcome this problem, a material that binds asphalt and aggregate is needed. This research aims to utilize LDPE waste to improve the performance of porous asphalt mixtures. The method used is experimental by using Marshall parameters. The results of the study with the addition of LDPE and Polyurethane obtained an increase in the value of stability by 17.35% but, decreased the value of flow by 15.18% and permeability index by 12.07%. The optimum value is adding 2% LDPE and 7.5% Polyurethane so that LDPE can be used as additional material to replace some asphalt materials in porous asphalt mixtures.

Keywords: LDPE, Polyurethane, Ashpalt Mixtures



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L Wei[1], D Syamsunur1,2*, S Surol1, M N H B Jusoh1, and N I M Yusoff3

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Technology and Built Environment, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, 56000, Malaysia.

2 Postgraduate Department, Universitas Bina Darma Palembang, Indonesia.

3 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.

1* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




The critical position of concrete plays a decisive role in engineering applications where extreme high-temperature environments severely affect the durability and life cycle of concrete structures. Experiments were conducted to mimic fire and extreme high-temperature environments, using different activities of nano calcium carbonate (NC) and nano silica (NS) to replace cement mixed concrete at 2.5%, 3.0% and 3.5% respectively, and a series of data analysis of nano concrete to derive patterns of performance change and drive new momentum for progress in the concrete industry. Experimental studies were conducted to explore the decaying changes in the mechanical properties of nano concrete after the concrete modified with composite nanomaterials was heated at different temperature environments of 25°C, 200°C, 400°C and 600°C. The results showed that the mechanical compressive strength of the nano concrete increased by 17.05%, 21.81% and 23.00% at 7 days respectively compared to the control concrete, and the nano 3.0% admixture showed excellent mechanical properties in the range of 25°C to 600°C. The results show that the strength checks of the nano-concrete cube and cuboid specimens after heating through different high-temperature environments were similar in rebound tests and no significant differences were found.


Keywords: Composite nanoparticles, nano-concrete, extreme high-temperature environments, high-temperature resistance, climate change



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H Prabowo[1], M P Dewi², D S E Dewi³, Hartatik4, M F Firdaus5*, N A Afandi6, L Ismayenti7


1 Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gunadarma

2 Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gunadarma

3 Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

4 STIKES Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro

5 Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gunadarma

6 Prodi Psikologi Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Kediri

7 Prodi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Fakultas Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Sebelas Maret

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




A literature review that proposes forest therapy is presented in this study. The Indonesian government is creating a forest city as its new capital city, in which this therapy is being explored. If integrated into the forest city in the new capital city, forest therapy offers a variety of physical and psychological health benefits. It is anticipated that the forest city would not only improve the health of the capital’s residents but will also bring about the realization of a world city for all.

Keywords: Forest City, Capital City, Physical Therapy, Psychological Therapy



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S Fahri[1]*, Fakhruddin3, R Djamaluddin2, R Irmawaty3, H Usman4, and N A Mawaddah4


1Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

2Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

3Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

4Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

[1]1* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




Today, FRP system is one of the most widely used methods of structural repair and strengthening but the price is relatively expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to develop FRP materials generated from natural fibers that have the potential for high tensile strength, environmentally friendly, and lower costs. In this study, Abaca fiber (Musa textilis) derived from  Abaca banana is used as the constituent material of Abaca Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet (Abaca FRP Sheet), which will be used as strengthening materials of structural elements. Tensile  strength testing was performed as the preliminary test to determine the mechanical properties of Abaca FRP Sheet. Abaca FRP Sheet with and without NaOH treatment was a test variation. The  results of the tests were compared to commercial GFRP sheets. ASTM D3039/D3039M-14 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials is referenced in the test specimens. Alkali treatment changes the structure and visual observation of the abaca fiber. Immersion of abaca fibers in 0.5% NaOH solutions for 30 minutes increased the tensile strength, Young’s modulus (GPa) and Strain at break as compared to the untreated abaca fibers.

Keywords: Abaca Fiber, Glass Fiber, Tensile Strength, Strengthening Material



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C Oliver A P L[1]* and F Nugraheni1

1 Graduate Student, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

[1]* Corresponding author: [email protected]




The construction of the Tugu Dam requires stone material obtained from Quarry for the main dam. The stone material for the main dam is very critical because the work on the main dam should be carried out immediately during the dry season (for work safety and quality). Preparation for material transportation at the Quarry includes calculation of the availability of material volumes, construction of haul roads, and technical plans for transport and blasting management. These activities require surveying and mapping. The project team chose the drone mapping method using the Open-Source program rather than the conventional method for accelerating the surveying and mapping work. Aerial photogrammetry survey can complete a variety of projects, such as available material calculation, blasting management, and hauling road planning. Based on cost, quality, and time analysis, drone mapping using open-source computer programs is cheaper and faster than using paid computer programs and conventional surveying methods, but using Open-source software has the disadvantage of limited features and low data accuracy with a CE90 value = 17,706 and LE90=37,126 for this study. In general, drone mapping has lower accuracy than conventional surveying methods, but the output of drone mapping which is orthomosaic maps and Digital Elevation Models can be used for the development of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and autonomous engineering.


Keywords: Aerial Photogrammetry; Dam; Nonmetric camera drone



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Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) 2014 Pedoman Teknis Ketelitian Peta Dasar

BIMWIKA 2021 Laporan Survei Fotogrammetri Bandara Dhoho Kediri Wijaya Karya

Jirigalatu, J., Krishna, K., Silva, E. L. S. da, & Dossing, A 2020 Experiments on Magnetic Interference fot a Portable Airbone Magnetometry System Using a Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems, 29

Kafiar, M. T 2020 Visualisasi 3D Modelling dari Hasil Kombinasi Kamera DSLR dan UAV dengan Metode Close Rang Photogrammetry (Studi Kasus : Objek Plengsengan, Bendungan Sengkaling, Desa Tegal Gondo, Kecamatan Karang Ploso, Kabupaten Malang) Insitut Teknologi Nasional Malang

Meiarti, R 2019 Uji Akurasi Hasil Teknologi Pesawat Udara Tanpa Awak (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) dalam Aplikasi Pemetaan Kebencanaan Kepesisiran Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL), Vol 3

Nitih Indra Komala, D 2020 Photogrammetry dalam Perancangan: Pemetaan dan Pemodelan Kawasan Desa Wisata Erracotta, 2 no 1

Peraturan Badan Informasi Republik Indonesia 2020 Standar Pengumpulan Data Geospasial Dasar Untuk Pembuatan Peta Dasar Skala Besar

Pratama, D. R., & Hariyanto, T 2013 Evaluasi Penggunaan Kamera Non Metrik Pada Fotogrametri Jarak Dekat Journal of Geodesy and Geomatics, Vol 8

Prayogo, I. P. H., J. Manoppo, F., & Lefrandt, L. I. R 2020 Pemanfaatan Teknologi Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Quadcopter Dalam Pemetaan Digital (Fotogrametri) Menggunakan Kerangka Ground Control Point (GCP) Jurnal Ilmiah Media Engineering, Vol.10

Qolbu, Farizan, Robi, M., & Afif, M 2021 Analisis Perhitungan Volume Cut and Fill dengan Metode Garis Kontur dari Data Foto Udara dan Metode Cross Section dari Data Pengukuran Waterpass pada Runway End Safety Area (RESA) dan End Runway Strip (ERS) Bandara Internasional Dhoho, Kediri Wika Dhoho

Ramadhani, F. A. and C. O 2022 Laporan BIM WIKA Awards Team Dhoho Wijaya Karya

Sutanto Samuel, J., & Ridwan, B. W 2016 Teknologi Drone untuk Pembuatan Peta Kontur: Studi Kasus Kawasan P3SON Hambalang Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik, Vol 7 No 2

Yunanto, I., Apriadi, R., & Ngatemin 2021 Fotogrametri Untuk Pengukuran Progres Lapangan Di Bendungan Cipanas Paket 1 Wijaya Karya.


The Evaluation Of Moisture Sensitivity Of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (Eva) Modified Hot And Warm Mix Asphalt Mastic

C G Daniel[1]*, J Widjajakususma1, M I Azrena1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia





This study aims to evaluate the effect of applying ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) using the dry mixing method on the mechanical properties of the HMA and WMA mixtures on the mastic scale against moisture damage given various polymer contents; 2%, 5%, 6%, and 8% of bitumen weight. The tensile strength of dry hot and warm polymer-modified bituminous mastic was improved by 40% and 100% relative to the control mix, respectively, from the dosage of 0.6% EVA. Moreover, the fracture energy depicted a similar trend, with the gaps becoming 34% and 136%. Both parameters have shown increasing increment up to the dosage of 6%, beyond which the values declined. In contrast, the tensile strength ratio (TSR) and fracture energy ratio of the hot mastic mix was higher than the warm mix, while the increment of the ratio to control mix was less than that of the dry specimens. This indicates an insignificant influence of polymer on the adhesion bonding in the mastic upon being subjected to the moisture effect, especially in the warm mix. However, its impact on hot asphalt mastic specimens was still acceptable. The dosage of 6% can be depicted to give the best outcome in this study.

Keywords: Moisture Sensitivity, Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate, Hot Mix, Warm Mix, Asphalt Mastic

[1]* Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]




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The authors wish to acknowledge the support from Pelita Harapan University for this project under the project code of 082/LPPM-UPH/II/2021 and the support from PT. Enceha Pacific with the Superplast polymer material for this research.